Fröbel wrote "Mutter- und Koselieder" when he was in his fifties. It is meant to be a "Family book". It is a little universe, a Unity in itself. Fröbel wanted to sum up his thoughts on education is this book. Fröbel describes family situations from the daily life in a family. "Mutter- und Koselieder" has a motto for each picture and then a verse for mother and child. Fröbel also wrote commentaries to the pictures. The pictures, verses, rhymes an music should give the child an idea (Ahnung) of an inner world, that is from the outer world to the inner.
One of the purposes of the book was to develop a childs "body, limbs and senses" in various fingerplays and games with its mother.
Mutter Und Kose Lieder: 1844 Edition
edited by Jeffrey Stern and published in 1996
Title page reads: International Education Series, The Mottoes and Commentaries of Friedrich Froebel's Mother Play, Mother Communings and Mottoes Rendered into English Verse by Henrietta R. Eliot, Prose Commentaries Translated and Accompanied With an Introduction Treating of the Philosophy of Froebel, By Susan E. Blow, published by D. Appleton and Company, New York, c. 1895 by D. Appleton and Company. There is an Editor's Preface, a Preface by the Translator, an Introduction and a large Appendix at the back. This is a very interesting book by the inventor of kindergarten (children's garden). The first section is a collection of seven poems on Mother Communings. This is followed by a chapter on Froebel's Introduction to the Commentaries. Following this are 46 games and songs with comments by Froebel on each one. As well, each game or song is preceded by a lovely full page black and white illustration surrounding the verse in original German script. There are also some lovely illustrations of hand shadow puppets. This 316 page hardcover book is in very good condition. The binding is tight and the pages are clear and unspotted. It was originally part of a multi-volume set, being volume 11 from an International Education Series edited by William T. Harris but stands fine alone. The green cloth cover with red and black litho lettering and design is also in very good condition. This is a fascinating collection of old games and songs, many that are still used today, by one of the great pioneers of children's education.
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