Online Forum: bibliography introduction . your views . have your saya selection of recent publications about Froebel and Kindergarten"Let us Live for our Children: Kindergarten Movements in Germany and the United States, 1840-1914," History of Education Quarterly 28 (Spring, 1988): 23-48. "Gardens of Children, Gardens of God: Kindergartens and Day-Care Centers in Nineteenth-Century Germany," Journal of Social History 19 (Spring, 1986): 433-50. "Spiritual Motherhood: German Feminists and the Kindergarten Movement, 1840-1911," History of Education Quarterly 22 (Fall, 1982): 319-340. "Revising Froebel: English revisionist Froebelians and the schooling of the urban poor" in Practical Visionaries: Women, Education and Social Progress 1790-1930, Hilton, M. and Hirsch, P. (Eds.) a bibliography of early Froebel writingsquotes from The Education of Man by Friedrich Froebel